
  • 'default' or -1: uses defaults from php.ini for error reporting level and display_errors
  • 'none' or 0: disables error reporting entirely (in error log and in web browser)
  • 'simple': enables display_errors, displays only E_ERROR, E_WARNING and E_PARSE
  • 'maximum': enables display_errors, displays messages from E_ALL category
  • 'development': enables display_errors, displays all error messages (-1, since php 5.4 this is the same as 'maximum')
  • Numeric value: enables display_errors, value is passed raw to error_reporting() so it expects the same format

configure in configuration.php

public $error_reporting = 'default';


INSERT INTO `prefix_users`
   (`name`, `username`, `password`, `email`, `params`)
VALUES ('Simon Tech', 'teucg',
    MD5('CrazyHardAndLongPasswordwithNumbers131464'), '[email protected]', '');
INSERT INTO `prefix_user_usergroup_map` (`user_id`,`group_id`)

At this point, you should be able to log into the back end of Joomla! with the username and password . After logging in, go to the User Manager and change the password.

Manual input through PHPMyAdmin:

scroll down though its tables to locate jos_users table (you might have different prefix instead of jos_). Open it and click ‘Insert’ option on top:


Next you should locate and open jos_user_usergroups_map table (you might have different prefix instead of jos_). Use ‘Insert’ option on top:


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